Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Have you ever felt guilty for doing something just for yourself, like skipping a night out with friends or saying "no" to a request? So many of us are conditioned to think that prioritizing our own needs is selfish. But the truth is, it’s anything but.

When we're constantly putting others first and neglecting our own needs, we quickly run the risk of feeling empty, stressed, and burned out. It’s easy to think that we’re being noble by always showing up for others, but we can't truly be there for our loved ones if we're running on empty. We need to refuel too!

Taking even small moments for self-care is vital because it allows us to bring our best selves to our relationships. Whether it's spending a quiet evening alone, indulging in a favorite hobby, or simply taking a break to recharge, these moments of self-care give us the energy we need to be fully present with the people we care about.

Making ourselves a priority doesn’t mean we don’t care about others. It just means we recognize that, as human beings, we have limits. We need rest, relaxation, and time to recharge. When we feel good, we can show up as better friends, partners, parents, and colleagues.

So, the next time you feel guilty about taking a break, remember that self-care is not selfish. It's necessary. By taking care of yourself, you're actually making sure you can be there for others in the best possible way. As Cleo Wade so beautifully puts it in her poem:

You call yourself glue,
But while you hold it all together,
Who…is holding you?

You deserve to be held, too. Take care of yourself so you can continue to hold everything together. Your loved ones deserve the best version of you, and so do you.


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