Finding Your Self Compassion


Self-compassion is the foundation of true self-esteem. Being kind and understanding toward ourselves is essential to genuinely liking who we are.

According to Dr. Kristin Neff, self-compassion consists of three key components: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. These elements are crucial for developing healthy self-esteem.

Self-kindness means treating yourself with the same care, understanding, and patience you'd offer a close friend. When mistakes happen, self-criticism only makes things worse. Instead, self-kindness encourages you to respond with compassion and encouragement.

Common humanity reminds us that imperfection and struggles are shared human experiences. When feelings of inadequacy arise, it's important to remember that no one has life completely figured out—we're all works in progress.

Mindfulness involves observing your thoughts and emotions in the present moment without judgment. When self-criticism creeps in, mindfulness helps you acknowledge the thought without getting swept up in it. You can simply notice how you feel and let it pass.

Make time each day to consciously practice these three aspects of self-compassion. How can you speak to yourself with more kindness today? Where can you find common ground with others? How can you meet each thought or feeling with a calm presence? With time, self-esteem will naturally follow.


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